St. Bruno's is a Roman Catholic Parish of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We are a family-friendly parish in the small village of Dousman. We have 750 households and more than 2000 members. In addition to our school, we offer religious education programs to all ages, from pre-school through teens, adults and seniors. We have an excellent Catholic School K4-8. We have a wonderful spirit of community, fantastic singing and participation at Mass, and an appreciation for the greatness of our Catholic Faith. One-third of our parish is under the age of 18; our median age is 36.
We are located about 30 miles west of Milwaukee, in an area often called the Kettle Moraine, the name of the state forest nearby whose topography was formed by the glaciers. Our area was once rural, but is now becoming more suburban.
Please come and visit us - you will be charmed by the beauty of the surroundings and the warmth of the people.
St. Bruno (circa 1035 - 1101) was born in Germany and is the founder of the Carthusians, a strict monastic order. His legacy is a religious Order which, alone of all the Orders, has never had to be reformed, so strictly have his followers adhered to his ideals. On his deathbed, he made a Profession of Faith in the Trinity and the Eucharist. One of his favorite sayings was, "While the world changes, the cross stands firm".
There is one Carthusian Monastery in the United States, called the Charterhouse of the Transfiguration, in Arlington, Vermont.
St. Bruno Parish is a community of people sharing a common faith in the teachings of the Catholic tradition. We come together to worship God and to spread the Good News that Jesus gave us. Through celebrating Christian unity, we provide emotional support and practice the works of mercy.