The Human Concerns committee is one of the five standing committees of the Pastoral Council. This committee discerns the social needs of various groups within the parish and the wider community, especially the poor by developing services and programs to meet their needs. This committee helps guide all of our Human concerns ministries to fulfill their goals.
Chairperson: Tom Parulski,
The mission of the Circle of Life Ministry is to reach out, in consolation, to all members of the faith community of St. Bruno Parish to support those who are grieving, so that no one will ever feel alone. This Bereavement ministry plans and organizes the liturgy for the Mass of Remembrance in November, helps at funerals as requested, sends sympathy cards to parish members when a loved one passes away, provides written material and resources to help those who are mourning, and facilitates Bereavement Sessions in June. Volunteer opportunity includes: Baking, assisting families during funeral visitation or reception, and creating keepsakes for the Mass of Remembrance.
Volunteers in this ministry assist our parish family by taking blood pressure screenings after masses on the 3rd weekend of the month. These volunteers are available as needed to help with health-related education issues that might arise, and serve as a possible resource to parish family members with specific questions.
Volunteer opportunity includes: Assist with blood pressure screenings and be available as a possible resource on occasion as may be needed.
With the permission of the nurses, members of this ministry bring the Eucharist and pray with hospitalized Catholics. Devoted members visit the two Oconomowoc Hospitals in Oconomowoc. Members must meet certain health criteria before participating in this ministry: screening for certain communicable diseases, flu shot each year, and attend informational meetings when requested. The hospital communion ministry is the most rewarding ministry in which one can volunteer. Members rotate every 7 weeks. Please contact Pam Weiss at: for more information.
Prayer Shawl ministry meets every Thursday morning from 9:00 to 11:00 in the parish meeting room or gathering place to knit and/or crochet prayer shawls. We have both new and experienced knitters and crocheters. These shawls are given to anyone in need of comfort and prayers due to an illness, surgery, or loss of a loved one. When the recipient is wrapped in their shawl they are also "wrapped" with the prayers from St. Bruno. We also knit/crochet baby items to be donated to Life’s Connection.
Volunteer opportunity includes: Please feel welcome to join our group at any time. You can come every week, once a month, or whatever works for you.
This ministry is a Pro-Life ministry focusing on issues from birth to death.
Volunteer opportunity includes: Assist with Respect Life Month activities, Baby Bottle Drive, Baby Shower for Needy Babies and open to suggestions for new ways to become involved.
This ministry helps the homeless in the inner-city of Milwaukee. Members of our parish bring food and serve the meal to the homeless and/or otherwise in need at St. Ben’s on the fourth Sunday of each month.
Volunteer opportunity includes: Contributing baked goods, assist in the preparation of food at St. Bruno’s for St. Ben’s, and actually going to St. Ben’s to serve the meal.